Integrative Massage Therapy
Integrative Massage Therapy Blends Different Modalities Into A Single Session To Accommodate What Is Best For Your Body In The Moment. Trigger Point Therapy, Swedish Massage, Therapeutic Massage & Shiatsu Are All Commonly Weaved Together At Cove Bodywork To Give You The Best Results.
Cupping Therapy
Rooted In Ancient Chinese Medicine Cupping Therapy Is A Unique Way To Lift The Tissue Up. This Allows Qi, Blood And Lymph To Flow Freely. Blockages To This Natural Flow Creates Pain And Stagnation. The Suction Also Breaks Tiny Blood Vessels Under The Skin, Triggering The Bodies Self Healing Process Which Boosts Circulation, Lymphatic Flow And Expels Toxins.
At Cove Bodywork We Believe No Matter How Therapeutic Our Goal Is For A Session, Massage Should Feel Really Really Good. A State Of Meditative Bliss Kind Of Good! So We Include Heated Beds, Hot Towels, Aromatherapy, Cooling Muscle Cream And More On The House With Every Service.
All The Goodies

60 Minute Massage
While we can fit the full body in one hour this service is best for one or two areas of concern
Services & Rates
75 Minute Massage
A little extra time goes a long way
90 Minute Massage
90 minutes is a great way to address the full body while allowing enough time to focus on areas of concern.
105 Minute Massage
A little extra time goes a long way
120 Minute Massage
Allows your mind & body ample time to quiet itself and sink into a deep state of relaxation and repair.
60 Minute Head, Hands & Feet
The head, hands & feet are rich in nerve endings and pressure points making it possible to affect the whole body while only working on these areas.
*All Services Are Subject To Sales Tax
Here's what our clients say
”I live with lupus and Cove Bodywork has become an integral part of my care team. Kristy understands my condition and importance of not pushing my body too hard. She is very intuitive and always seems to know exactly what I need. The amount of quality massage & rest I get in her studio helps me manage my pain level and my mental health immensely. ”
- Dawn Soares
”I don't let anything stand in my the way of my monthly 90 minute massage. I always look forward to it and I feel great about doing something for myself. I leave standing taller and feeling calmer! Kristy has helped me resolve pain I thought I was just going to have to live with forever! Her techniques, her spirit and her space are all equally healing!”
- Rachel Kaye